
Please understand I am the sole author of this website. My daughter advises me as do a few other friends. I use iMentor4Success for my personal learning purposes. I want to be technically fluent in digital communications. In doing so, I document and share my experiences in public relations, communications, sales, and marketing.

Many of my writings will reference works of other people as I connect and translate what I have learned.

Mostly I like to problem solve, think-outside-the-box for solutions, and I prefer team environments.


The information and resources on this website serve as informational, educational, and recreational purposes only. I read, study, and share on this site.

If you need professional help, please get it as this website provides general guidance on best practices only.

External Links

The appearance of external hyperlinks does not constitute endorsement. Unless otherwise specified, I do not exercise any editorial control over any information you may find at these linked locations. Many of these links let you review the source of the content I share while I meet the mission of this personal, learning website — my education and technical practice.

Please let me know about existing external links you believe are inappropriate. We check our links annually, and sometimes they may get broken before our next check. Feel free to send us additional external links you believe would add to the topic.

We do the best we can to make sure all linked information is safe, accurate, and useful. We deliver content at a “general audience” level and only reference sites at that level unless otherwise noted.

Disclaimer of Liability

With respect to documents available from my website, I cannot and do not make any warranty, express or implied, or assume any legal liability or responsibility for the accuracy, completeness, or usefulness of any information, product, or process disclosed, or represented. These are for general guidance only.

Know that all sites have their own privacy and policies for use which could infringe on your privately owned rights. You become under that sites policies when you go to their content.

Find More Information

If you want help with your website, check out the United States Government’s Digitalgov.gov and also the Government’s Plain Language guidelines. In the beginning of my digital career, I relied heavily on these sites. I still check in with them periodically. There’s a wealth of information you can use also.

If you want a great career, consider working for the United States Government. Log on to USAjobs.gov . I retired in 2017 after 21 years.

Thanks, and enjoy.
